Although the history of procurement is spotty at best, procurement practices have existed for thousands of years. It’s evolved from a function of subordinates … A Brief History of Procurement: Key Points From Past and Present
Although the history of procurement is spotty at best, procurement practices have existed for thousands of years. It’s evolved from a function of subordinates … A Brief History of Procurement: Key Points From Past and Present
An ideal set of procurement best practices can lower labor and material costs to boost the well-being of any business, so companies should keep … 3 Ways to Embrace Today’s Procurement Best Practices
We’ve all heard the positive things that a streamlined procurement process can do for a company—lower costs, increased efficiency and increased profits, to name … Consequences of Bad Procurement
The Hidden Inefficiencies In Procurement There are a myriad of reasons why inefficiencies can occur in procurement, including supply chain fragmentation, clarity of contract, … Why Does a Procurement Skills Gap Exist?
Undeniably the procurement progress varies a great deal from project to project, requiring a great deal of patience to not only understand but to map … 16 Levels of Procurement in the UK
The UK Government spends around £230 billion on products and services per year, with the complexity of procurement varying by project. Acknowledging the inefficiencies within … Discover The UK Procurement Landscape
We’re big fans of lifelong learning and we’re constantly reading about ways to improve our performance or change our way of thinking. No matter … 5 Must-Read Procurement Books to Get to the Top of Your Field
Okay, we admit it—if you’re managing procurement for your company, chances are you already know a lot of what you need to know. But … Managing Procurement: Facts You Need to Know
You’re a savvy procurement manager, just living life procuring things. But did you know that Canada has a history of lawsuits whose precedents govern … Important Procurement Laws Managers Need To Know About
Procurement corruption is an ethical company’s nightmare. Sometimes the corruption is obvious, but often it’s subtle and seems harmless—such as when a vendor gives … How To Avoid Procurement Corruption
Discover the distinctions between competitive and non-competitive procurement processes. While competitive procurement promotes transparency and competition, non-competitive focuses on specific suppliers. Evaluate the pros and cons for your business.
It’s the sort of thing that gives office managers and procurement experts nightmares: a procurement issue has ballooned and is now costing the company … 5 Procurement Nightmares You Can Avoid