10 Purchasing Benchmarks to Optimize Your Charter School’s Spending

Compare your performance with real data from other charter schools

In 2024, rising costs, low enrollment, and expiring grants are putting a squeeze on charter school budgets. Effective spend management is crucial to ensure every dollar is used efficiently.

This free report provides 10 critical benchmarks for charter school procurement. Use this data to identify areas for improvement and maximize your resources.

Download the 2024 Charter School Spend Management Benchmarks and discover how to:

  • Compare your performance with real data from other charter schools.

  • Optimize your procurement process for greater efficiency and cost savings.

  • Make smarter spending decisions that benefit your students’ education.

Download the benchmark report

Leverage data to optimize processes, save money, and focus on what truly matters: delivering an exceptional education for your students.

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Peek inside

Explore benchmarks like requisition processing time, spend per vendor, yearly purchase order volume, average yearly spend and 6 other key metrics to measure your charter school’s procurement efficiency.

Download the Benchmark Report

Get instant access to 10 critical benchmarks for charter school procurement. Use this data to identify areas for improvement and maximize your resources.